Short-Term Rental Bans: Anti-Airbnb / VRBO Laws
What Are the Penalties?
Since the popularity of sites like Airbnb and VRBO that offer an opportunity for many homeowners to make quick cash with short-term rentals, many cities have adopted new laws to ban these rentals at the complaint of other homeowners and businesses.
In the South Bay, Hermosa Beach is the first city to take legal action against “Airbnb’ers”. The ban began on June 24, 2016.
“Pursuant to the Hermosa Beach Municipal Code, it is unlawful for any person to advertise, offer, or make available for rent, or for any person to rent or to occupy by way of a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written, for compensation or consideration a residential dwelling, a dwelling unit or a room in a dwelling unit for less than 30 consecutive days.”
“Penalties for advertising or renting out studios, 1- or 2-bedroom units start at $2,500; continued violations will result in an incremental increase of $2,500 for each successive violation up to three violations; penalties for rentals of 3 bedrooms or more face twice that penalty. Failure to cure the violation can also lead to criminal charges.”
The municipal code sections for Hermosa Beach are 17.04, 17.08, 17. 10, 17.12, 17.14, 17.16.
Our office is fighting back: Click Here.
If you are being investigated for illegally renting your apartment or home pursuant to a local city municipal code, contact Attorney Pat Carey. He is the only lawyer in the South Bay that has experience working these cases. Don’t pay these outrageous fines and end up with a criminal record just for trying to make a buck on Airbnb. Contact Pat Carey today.

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